Province Information
- Main Cities: Johannesburg (capital), Pretoria, Soweto, Vereeniging
- Harbours: -
- Airports: Johannesburg International, Rand , Lanseria, Wonderboom
- Economy: Mining, Commerce, Manufacturing, Tourism, Finance
Estimated Statistics
- Area: 17 000 km2 (1.4%)
- Population: 7 870 000 (18.2%)
- GGP 1999: R165bn
Gauteng (Sotho word for "Place of Gold") is the smallest province in South Africa but the most densily populated. It generates the most wealth. Mining, Technology, Finance and Manufacturing are its main activities.
It has the highest income income per capita, highest literacy rate and over 90% of its population live in metropolitan areas. It houses the head-quarters of banks, the Reserve Bank, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and large industrial areas.