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        Australia :: 10 October - 22 November
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        IRB Rugby Laws & Regulations
All the IRB Rules and Regulations regarding the game of rugby.

The application of the Laws must be used to achieve the Object of the Game and to ensure the Game to be played under the Principles of Rugby.
Source: IRB

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Download all Laws   read/download
Foreword/Administration   read/download
Definitions   read/download
Before the match
1. The Ground   read/download
2. The Ball   read/download
3. Number of Players   read/download
4. Players' Clothing   read/download
5. Time   read/download
6. Match Officials   read/download
During the match - Method of Playing
7. Mode of Play   read/download
8. Advantage   read/download
9. Method of Scoring   read/download
10. Foul Play   read/download
11. Off-side/On-side in General Play   read/download
12. Knock-on or Throw-forward   read/download
During the match - In the Field of Play
13. Kick-off and restart kicks   read/download
14. Ball on the Ground   read/download
15. Tackle: Ball Carrier Brought to Ground   read/download
16. Ruck   read/download
17. Maul   read/download
18. Mark   read/download
Restarting the game after the ball has been made dead
19. Touch and Line-out   read/download
20. Scrum   read/download
21. Penalty and Free Kicks   read/download
During the Match - In-Goal
22. In-Goal   read/download
Regulation 12 - Extract
Regulation 12 extract   read/download

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