General Information
- Main Cities: Nelspruit (capital), Witbank, Middelburg, Ermelo
- Airports: Nelspruit
- Economy: Fruit, Coal, Sugar, Petrochemicals, Paper, Timber
Estimated Statistics
- Area: 79 490 km2 (6.5%)
- Population: 3 005 000 (15.5%)
- GGP 1999: R35bn
Manufacturing and mining are the two strong money spinners for this province. Mpumalanga produces about 85% of the coal in the country. It houses the largest power stations. Paper mills, fruit (mainly citrus), Stainless Steel and timber are also main products.
Tourism plays an important part in its economy and is a popular gateway to the world renown Kruger National park. The Maputo Corridor runs through this province and it has great potential for fast growth.
Information not updated