Vision | Mission | Core Values | Aims & Objectives | Support

  • Vision
  • We are the political home of all South Africans, united in the spirit of South Africanism by our common passion for our Country, mobilising the creative power inherent in our rich diversity, towards our transformation into a Winning Nation.

  • Mission
  • We will unite South Africans from all communities in a new political home, built on the foundation of the principles and ideals of our National Constitution. To this end we will address poverty and imbalances in our society, inspired by our unifying love of our Country and its people. We will set free the creative power inherent in our diversity and will co-operate with all stake-holders to ensure a quality life and individual freedom for every citizen, based on good governance and civil order, towards being a Winning Nation.

    The Core Values, which the United Democratic Movement will uphold and promote and upon which it fundamental policy positions are based, are as follow:

      • respect for life, dignity and human worth of every individual;
      • integrity in public- and private life;
      • the individual rights and freedoms enshrined in our Country’s Constitution;
      • tolerance and respect for the rights and freedoms of others;
      • solidarity in the common spiritual ownership of all that is good in our Country;
      • national self-discipline based on an acceptance that each right and freedom carries with it a corresponding and equal obligation and responsibility;
      • national moral regeneration towards a clear distinction between right and wrong, between what is acceptable conduct and what not, between good and evil;
      • economic policies based on moral values;
      • freedom of religion and worship.
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    UDM Aims and Objectives
    The UDM is committed to reach the following aims and objectives:

      • The UDM shall unite South Africans from all communities in a new political home, one inspired by out unifying love of our Country and her people.
      • The UDM is committed to building a Winning Nation.
      • The UDM will co-operate with all stakeholders to ensure a good quality of life, through good governance and civil order.
      • The UDM commits itself to the establishment of a truly South African constitutional democracy, which rejects racial domination, respects, upholds and protects human dignity, life, liberty and the property of its citizens.
      • The UDM shall uphold the freedom of religion, culture and traditions of our diverse communities.
      • The UDM shall promote and protect freedom of association, with formal constitutional structures as well as informal or non-governmental structures, always guarding against oppression.
      • The UDM shall endeavour to ensure that the Government, on all three levels, functions effectively and that the interests of the whole population are best served.
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    Broad based support

    From Markinor polls it has been scientifically established that the profile of UDM supporters corresponds directly with the demographic composition of our country. But what do all these big words mean? It simply means that the UDM draws its support equally from all communities in the country. It is a home to all divisions. And the UDM as a new party is drawing support away from all other parties, and more so from the ANC. That is the big difference. That is why we are noticed. That is why we can make the difference. That is why the UDM alone is an alternative government to the ANC.

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