This IsAZAPO![]() ![]() |
the vibrant embodiment of black consciousness in azania
President | Mosibudi Mangena | |
Deputy President | Pandelani Nefolovhodwe | |
National Chairperson | Nkosi Molala | |
Secretary General | Mpotseng Kgokong | |
Deputy Secretary General | Vuyisa Qunta | |
National Treasurer | Moemedi Kepadisa | |
National Organiser | Strike Thokoane | |
Deputy National Organiser | Fundile Mafongosi | |
Secretary for Information & Publicity |
Kedibone Molema | |
Secretary for Political Education |
Nkutshweu Motsau | |
Deputy Secretary for Political Education |
Jabu Rakwena | |
Secretary for Labour | Zithulele Cindi | |
Secretary for Education & Culture |
Mark Mfikoe | |
Secretary for Community Development |
David Lebethe | |
Secretary for Gender & Women Affairs |
Thulamsindo Rapotu | |
Secretary for Youth | Mbulelo Ketye | |
Secretary for Foreign Affairs | Victor Dlamini | |
Secretary for Constitutional & Legal Affairs |
Madibeng Mokoditoa |